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How to Prevent Company Secrets from Leaving the Premises?

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When you are running a company, you have to work with all sorts of people, some of which will be loyal to you until the end, while some will always be looking to betray you the first chance they get.

All organizations have their own competitive advantage over their rivals which help them stay afloat in the market. However, if the data regarding competitive advantage gets leaked by someone, then the game is over for that particular company.

Since the arrival of computers and mobile phones, the risk of leaks has doubled. But it you learn how to spy on messenger conversations, you can do a lot to prevent any dangers. However, there are a lot of ways to stop these leaks and we will share these ways with you in this article, starting with monitoring software.

Monitoring Software

Monitoring software does exactly what they are meant to. You install them on your employees’ work computers and then you will be able to monitor each and every activity being performed on that particular PC. This will allow you to know if someone in your company is leaking information to the competitors.

The employees, on the other hand, will also know that they are being watched and will most likely keep the company secrets to themselves. Monitoring software are one of the most effective ways of preventing the data leaks. You can also learn how to spy on messenger conversations through this software. Mobistealth, for instance, is the best monitoring software to spy on your employee’s activity during working hours.

Be Prepared

The leak can happen at any time, and if you are just reacting to the situation, then it might not end well for you or your company. You need to be prepared for such situations beforehand because when you are reacting to such situations, you are bound to make mistakes, which can then take turn for the worst.

The best way to be prepared is by installing monitoring software on each computer available in the office, run thorough background checks on each employee, and always stay in touch with your employees as it is the best way to know what’s going on in the organization.


All of the critical data of a company should be kept behind encryption. Only few of the capable people will be able to hack into such data. You will be able to know which employees are capable enough because you are the one who did the hiring.

You just have to make sure that the people who are in charge of keeping the data safe are trustworthy.

Locked Network

The information is usually leaked through emails and web. This is why it is very important to have a locked network. This will save you a whole lot of trouble security-wise as you will be able to rest easy knowing that nothing will leave the company’s premise without you or your IT administrator knowing about it.

Most of the companies ignore locking the network, deeming it unnecessary, but as soon as their information is leaked online they realize the importance of a locked network.

So using the monitoring solutions, learning how to spy on messenger conversations, and using the above tips can help you prevent such mishaps at your company.

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