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Malware Threat to Android Phones Is Highly Overrated

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We have been hearing about malware threats for quite some time now and it has struck so much fear into us that first thing we do after getting a new mobile phone is install an antivirus on it. But there are rarely any incidents where your device actually does get infected.

This raises a question whether Android malware is actually as big of a threat as it’s made out to be. In a nutshell, the answer to this is both yes and no! Most of the users that get affected by malware, spyware and Trojans are victims of their own doing.

If the users are not careful when surfing the web or clicking a link, then there is a huge possibility that their digital gadgets will get affected.

To make it short, malware are only a threat if the users are reckless. This can be a problem especially when you are new to the internet, but with time you will learn about certain stuff and will be able to avoid malware.

There have been researches in last couple of years which show that less than 1% devices are getting affected by malware. If you are unaware on how to avoid these viruses lurking on the internet, then worry not as we have got you covered. You can use monitoring apps along with following some other cybersecurity tips.  In this article, some tips are provided which will help you avoid malware threats with ease.

You can use monitoring apps along with following some other tips. Mobistealth is a monitoring app that helps you protect your Android phones. In this article, some tips are provided which will help you avoid malware threats with ease.

Stick to Google Play Store

A large number of apps are available on Google Play Store and it would be better for your phone if you stick to them. Yes, it can be tempting to download some apps from third-party stores and sites, but this might do more harm than good. Unofficial stores and sites can transmit malware to your phones, making it vulnerable to outside threats.

However, if you are careful and are surfing the web sensibly, then you can avoid this nuisance altogether.

Read Permissions

Although, most of the apps on Google Play Store are secure, but just to be careful, you should take a look at permissions before downloading any app. This will give you a clear idea of what an app could possibly access once it has been downloaded on your Android phone.

All the permissions mentioned will be related to the app somehow, but if you see something fishy, then you can just avoid the download and save yourself a lot of trouble.

App Updates

There are two kinds of updates that occur on the downloaded apps. Sometimes, when an update arrives, it is downloaded automatically without disturbing you whatsoever. However, in some instances, some changes are made to the apps which require permissions and these kinds of updates have to be downloaded manually.

Even if you were careful enough to read the permissions the first time, there’s a chance that you will not read the permissions for the updates. Hackers take advantage of this and usually insert malware into your mobile phones through the updates. This means that you’ll have to remain vigilant even after the app has been downloaded.

As established above, the threat of malware is not as grave as it is made to be. However, if you still want to be careful, just follow the given steps and make sure that you don’t click on something that you are not aware of. Just by using reasonable caution, you can have a safe and secure phone without ever needing third-party software. You can also use pc monitoring software to keep your digital gadgets secure.

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