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Tips On Protecting Children from Bullies

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Bullying has caused a slew of problems over the years, as some kids are left scarred from their middle and high school days for years to come. However, with the tech-savvy young generation, bullying isn’t limited to school hours, according to CBS News.

When you look in to the news, you can see various cases of kids committing suicide and harming themselves just because they have been humiliated badly by their friends or other bullies. The worst-case scenario is the emergence of cyberbullying among kids.

As it gets on the peak, kids have been suffering as they think that being humiliated on social media is like being insulted in front of the world. That’s why experts have suggested the parents to use cell phone tracking apps for their kid’s safety.

Parents need to be aware of what their child is doing on Facebook, Twitter and the other popular social media sites while at home, as these are popular places for cyberbullying to occur. The best way to monitor kids’ online behaviors may be to set up parental control software on their child’s computer and phone, according to the media outlet.

This way, parents can know what their kids are doing and what are they facing on the social media where they think their real life is. These cyberbullies must be stopped before they hurt any younger lives.

How to Protect Our Kids?

“Our kids live in an age when socialization is tied to electronic devices that can go off at 3 a.m. There is no safe time, unless a parent is involved and takes the time to monitor what’s going on,” Judy Kuczynski, president of Bully Police USA, told the news source. “Expecting children to have the maturity, the sophistication and confidence to do something about it, is impossible. This is an adult problem.

Parents need to step in.” Parents also need to use monitoring solutions to show their kids that they need to stay in limit if they want to enjoy their freedom. There is a limit to everything and that is where the difference between right and wrong emerges.

Mobistealth is the best cell phone monitoring and tracking solution you can use to protect your kids from harmful online dangers.

Communicate with Kids

In addition to the cell phone spy software, parents can put the computer in a living room or family room, where people always are, so they can see what their child is doing online. Additionally, talk to the kids about cyberbullying and its effects. This way, the child may be more apt to talk to their parents if they are victims or are witnessing it happen to someone else, the media outlet reports.

Cyberbullying has been a hot topic for quite some time – even stars in Hollywood have been speaking out against it. According to E! Online, Demi Lovato recently lashed out on Twitter, as she tweeted, “It really surprises me the hateful things people say on the Internet. After all the awareness of cyberbullying… I mean wow. So sad.”

Mashable recently reported that MTV and the popular application Angry Birds will be launching a campaign that allows users to open a new level if they join the A Thin Line campaign, which asks individuals to step in if they witness online bullying. They ask the adults to step in and take effective role with the use of parental control software to take care of the kids.

“We know how big the game has become and the ways people are engaging with it,” Jason Rzepka, MTV vice president of public affairs, told the news source. “We saw this as a place we could really connect with young people.”

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